Become RREAL Accredited

Relationship, Resilience, Empowerment, Alignment & Learning

Contemporary professional supervision for human services & social workers

Elevate your supervision with resilience, alignment, and impact

The quality of your supervision has never been more crucial. 

Your supervisees work in complex, compliance-driven environments that are often under-resourced for client demand.

Challenged with doing more with less, how do you help them deliver quality care while staying well themselves?

How do you build on your supervision with them to have an impact on the organisational systems that inhibit outcomes?

We believe that traditional supervision models fall short of meeting these contemporary needs which is why we developed RREAL.

RREAL is an exciting fresh approach designed to meet the demands of today’s workforces. 

Its uniquely reflexive and blended approach aligns individual, team and leader supervision - enabling practitioners to be the best they can be in the system, while optimising client impact.

Is RREAL For You?

Are you an experienced supervisor of social work or human service practitioners who believes in:

•       Keeping clients at the heart of supervision

•       Being strengths-based and fostering practitioner identity, growth and empowerment

•       Having a clear evidence base behind your work

•       Continually evolving your supervision models to align with emerging challenges

•       Addressing structural disadvantage through a critical lens

•       Taking a systemic approach to enable sustainable service delivery.

Would you like to:

•       Build relationships and alignment across your organisation through a blended approach

•       Have a clear framework that can be used in any workplace context

•       Work with a suite of practical and easy to use tools

•       Promote a common language and narrative around supervision

•       Integrate personal and collective resilience – ensuring sustainable performance without compromising wellbeing?


RREAL offers individual and collective reflection on cases, critical issues and clinical practice. 

It is underpinned by a deep appreciation of the dynamic interplay between relationships, resilience, empowerment, alignment and learning. We call it the RREAL DNA


At its core supervision involves quality relationships within supervision itself; with clients; across the system; and with colleagues, managers and partners.  Trusting relationships foster an environment where it’s safe to explore vulnerabilities and concerns. Through honest and open reflections, listening and critical thinking are deepened.  The outcome is better collective service delivery.


RREAL acknowledges the importance of wellbeing and resilience in helping practitioners manage stress, adapt to setbacks and proactively position for future challenges.  It integrates the Resilience at Work® Toolkit, a research-based framework used globally in research and practice. The Toolkit provides a common language and roadmap to talk about, enact and align practices that build resilience at the individual, team and leader levels.


Practitioners are empowered to take ownership of their learning and professional growth, encouraging collaboration and shared decision-making. The structure of RRREAL team supervision ensures that all voices are heard and there is joint decision-making that balances the needs of practitioners and clients.


RREAL is a blended approach that provides the opportunity to explore and better manage system factors that inhibit practice and are within the team’s scope of influence.  It builds on the traditional focus on individuals to include team-led identification of group strengths, psychosocial hazards and aspects of teamwork that can be enhanced to improve client outcomes. Supervision activity is aligned with organisational goals and values to maximise its impact and relevance.


Good supervision is a dynamic process involving ongoing reflection, feedback, and skill development.  It balances compliance discussions with creating a culture of development where both supervisors and practitioners are committed to personal and professional growth. Within RREAL, shared learning is facilitated and maximised through deploying the three types of supervision.

Program Overview

Our program is interactive, practical and assumes core supervisory skills and knowledge.  It explores:

Why we need a more contemporary ‘fit for purpose’ model of professional supervision

The evidence-base behind RREAL’s design

How RREAL builds on the best of other popular models

How the DNA components of RREAL interact and add value

Cultural and First Nations considerations

An introduction to the Resilience at Work® Toolkit and how this can be used as an organisational language and framework

Case studies in integrating the Resilience at Work® Scale into individual supervision

The RREAL approach to facilitating group supervision

Practice in conducting a RREAL group supervision session

The elements of RREAL leader supervision

RREAL supervision practice and coaching circles.

What’s Included

Conducted virtually and in-person over a 4-6 week period, RREAL includes:

·       Pre-reading of the RREAL Supervisor Handbook that outlines the model’s evidence-base and rationale

·       Two x 2-hour interactive webinars with the developers of RREAL

·       A half day in-person workshop focused on RREAL Team and leader supervision

·       RREAL supervision practice with a fellow program participant

·       Participation in coaching circles

·       Completion of the Resilience at Work® Scale – an assessment of your current resilience levels at work

·       A one-hour final review webinar

·       A comprehensive ‘how to’ Practice Guide on implementing RREAL supervision

·       A set of coaching cards for use in team supervision

·       A  guide on using the Resilience at Work® assessment in individual supervision

·       Webinar and workshop slides

·       Ongoing access to the accredited RREAL supervisors’ community of practice.


Successfully completing the program provides you with a license to use the RREAL supervision approach and resources.

Your Investment is $1,250 + GST

Email for group pricing & organisational programs

Meet Your Program Facilitators

Angela Powell

Angela is the Founder of Live Well Counselling She is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Trauma Therapist and ICF Accredited Coach with over 30 years of clinical experience spanning trauma-focused therapies, university teaching, and clinical supervision. 

Angela provides individual and group supervision, training workshops, and leadership consultation to foster resilience, psychological safety, and wellbeing in organisations. Her evidence-based, client-centred approach empowers individuals, teams, and leaders to build resilience, promote ethical practice, and sustain well-being.

An internationally certified Compassion Fatigue Therapist and Educator, Angela also engages in research and editorial activities on international trauma journals and serves on boards in the human services sector.  

Kathryn McEwen

Kathryn is a registered organisational psychologist and Fellow of both the Australian Psychological Society and Association of Coaching. 

She is the developer of the Resilience at Work® Toolkit – an integrated set of resilience assessments, books and resources used in practice and research globally.  Kathryn is also the Founder of Perspective, a web application that assists teams in working together effectively in challenge and change  

She has extensive experience in the clinical supervision of psychologists and leader coaching and team development in the allied health and human services sectors.

Sophie Diamandi

Sophie is a qualified social worker with more that 30 years’ experience as a counsellor, consultant, mentor and social work academic in a variety of universities. 

She has practised in mental health, domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, working with children, youth and families, older persons, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, relationship challenges and those living with a disability. 

Sophie provides professional clinical supervision and specialises in cultural supervision.