Your care is personalised, holistic, and evidence-based, employing a multidisciplinary approach.

Assessments & Tests

During your consultation we may need to arrange different tests;

Pathology tests (blood tests, urine or stool analysis)

  • Nutritional assessments

  • Radiology investigations (CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Pelvic imaging studies)

  • Colonoscopy and gastroscopy

  • If your colonoscopy or gastroscopy is being completed as part of surveillance or due to a positive FOBT, if you prefer, we can arrange this for you directly

  • Surgical Diagnostics

Appointment Info

Consultation Fees:

Consultation and Surgical Fees are in line with the scheduled list of fees as set out by the Australian Medical Association.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, please let our team know. 


What to bring to the first appointment?

  • Referral

  • Any recent bloods tests

  • Urine or stool tests

  • Any imaging tests (including reports, CDs or copies of the films)

Leading up to the consultation, you may wonder about certain aspects of your condition. It is often worthwhile writing these questions down and bringing them along to your consultation.

If you would like a second opinion, we can arrange this in our consulting suites, or if you prefer a second opinion off-site, this also can be arranged.

Patient Resources

  • TBC

  • TBC

  • TBC